My website invited me to start a blog. I'm not sure why, or why I'm taking advice from a website, but I'll probably post once and then forget about ever doing it again. To be honest, it's that void week between Christmas and New Year, in which time doesn't make sense and I'm mainly drunk. So the idea of following the instruction of a robot amuses me.
Hi. My name's Charley. I'm an artist, among other things. I'm a mum. I work at a university. I also freelance in video post-production. And I'm a musician. Frankly, it's surprising I have any time for art. But I make that time and it's worth it, if only for my own sanity.
I think I'm probably best described as unconventional, so if I do continue this blog, it'll likely be in a weird way. We'll see what happens. Happy New Year.